V I S I O N 2020 

Since its inception, the Traffic Police Branch of West Bengal Police is making sincere efforts for ensuring smooth and congestion free road journey in the State for the different types of road users. The Traffic Police Hqrs. is also making sincere efforts for bringing down the number of accidents - accidental deaths and injuries in the State by identifying Dark Spots, effective enforcement of traffic rules and regulations and by coordinating with the various agencies involved in the maintenance and management of the roads. With the ever growing population, phenomenal growth in the number of vehicles, rapid pace of urbanization and poor urban road infrastructure; the problem of traffic management has emerged as one of the most difficult and challenging areas of policing. The vast road net- work of the National Highways and State Highways in West Bengal along with the above mentioned factors have necessitated proper planning for the management of traffic in the years to come. In tune with time, we have planned elaborately regarding the various traffic management needs for the next 9 years in our document “ VISION 2020”.

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