Children should be taught the safety code and should not be allowed on the road alone until they can understand and follow it properly. Children learn by example, so parents and teachers should always follow the Code properly when going out with their children. They are responsible for deciding at what age children can use it safely by themselves.

While Walking to School

  1. Always walk on the footpath only. On roads without footpath, walk on the extreme right hand side of the roads.
  2. Do not be impatient on the road. Do not rush or run on the road.
  3. Cross only at Zebra crossings, traffic signals, subways, foot over-bridges. Where such facilities do not exist, look for a safe place to cross.
  4. At the signal lights, cross only on a clear green signal. If an intersection is controlled by a policeman, traffic warden or Civic Police Volunteers, cross only when he signals you to do so.
  5. When crossing between vehicles parked on the side of the road, remember that you are not visible to the moving traffic (because the parked vehicles may be taller than you). Stop as you appear from behind the vehicle and look for a safe gap before crossing. Remember, drivers need plenty of time to see you and to slow down and stop.
  6. While crossing wide roads that have central islands, always cross in two stages. Cross to the central Island , stop, and cross when the next section is clear.
  7. While crossing one-way streets, remember that the traffic will usually be moving in a number of lanes and at higher speeds. Do not cross unless all lanes are clear.
  8. Never cross a road at a corner/curve, as the motorist taking the turn will not be able to see you in time.
  9. Running across the road is a bad idea, as you may slip and fall.

While going by bus

  1. Leave home well in time, so that you won't have to run to catch the bus.
  2. At the bus stand, always follow the queue. Board the bus only after it has come to a halt, without rushing in or pushing others.
  3. While in the bus, shouting or making a noise is definitely bad manners. Such behavior can also distract the driver.
  4. Do not board or alight at a bus stop other than the one decided by the school. Never board and alight at a red light crossing or unauthorized bus stop.
  5. Always hold onto the handrail if standing in a moving bus, especially on sharp turns.
  6. Do not sit, stand or travel on the footboard of the bus.
  7. Do not put any part of your body outside a moving or stationary bus.
  8. Always adhere to the bus safety rules.

Guidelines for parents of school children :

  1. Parents are equally responsible for the safety of their children during school journeys.
  2. They must ensure that the mode of transport arranged by school or by themselves is absolutely safe.
  3. Parents must play the role of vigilant observers. They should note down violations committed by school buses and immediately report to the authorities.
  4. Parents must participate in P.T.A. meetings and discuss the safety aspects of their children.
  5. While taking their children to school themselves, they should take proper care of their safety.
  6. Parents must ensure that the children acquire the right knowledge and skills for safe use of roads. They should teach their children the basic rules of the road, how to walk and cross the road, how to alight and board a bus etc.
  7. Parents should not allow their minor children to drive.
  8. Parents must also ensure that the right attitude for a law abiding citizen is imparted to their children by the family.
  9. Children are very good observers and therefore, parents must set an example by meticulously observing even small traffic rules.

Remember safety of children must be the foremost priority of every parent.

Guidelines for teachers for ensuring safety of school children :
It is the responsibility of school authorities and the teachers to ensure the safety of school children and also to impart the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to be a safe road user.

  1. Teachers should help develop a responsible attitude towards road use in school children.
  2. Teachers should impart essential knowledge about roads and traffic to school children, by:
    1. Making them familiar with the rules of road and their importance.
    2. By explaining them the causes of accidents involving pedestrians, cyclists and children.
    3. Telling them about the cause and extent of pollution due to traffic.
  3. Children come to school in various modes of transport. Teachers should ensure that:
    1. The children enter and leave the school safely.
    2. There is no conflict between pedestrians and vehicles.
    3. The vehicles including school buses are parked safely and properly.
  4. Children should be supervised and taken care of at the time of alighting and boarding the school bus.
  5. Every school bus must be accompanied by a teacher for controlling the children and the bus driver.
  6. The teacher should arrange for an alternate bus and keep the children together at one place if the school bus fails to arrive or if there is any problem.
  7. There should be regular checking of school buses to ensure compliance with mandatory safety requirements.
  8. If any school bus or any conveyance, by which children come to school, violates traffic rules, the teachers/parents should inform about it to the principal or the Traffic Police Control Room of district / commissionerate or West Bengal Traffic Control Room

Essentials for a School Bus as ordered by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India :

  1. "School Bus" must be written on the back and front of the Bus.
  2. If it is a hired bus, "On School Duty" should be clearly indicated
  3. Bus must have a First-Aid-Box.
  4. The windows of Bus must be fitted with horizontal grills.
  5. There must be a Fire Extinguisher in the Bus.
  6. School Name and Telephone No. must be written on the Bus.
  7. The doors of the Bus should be fitted with reliable locks.
  8. To keep School Bags safely, there should be a space fitted under the seats.
  9. There must be an Attendant from the School in the Bus.
  10. Any parent/guardian or a teacher may also travel to ensure these safety norms.

The above mentioned points as directed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India are mandatory for all school buses.

Guidelines for Bus Commuters

Bus commuters should never board or deboard a moving bus. Maintaining a queue while boarding the bus will help avoid unnecessary hustle and bustle and will also save time. Once inside the bus keep your calm avoid shouting or making noise that would distract the driver, always hold onto the handrail if standing in a moving bus, stay away from the footboard of the bus and never put any part of the body outside a moving or stationary bus.

Commuters should observe the following guidelines when traveling on the bus :

  1. Commuters should not distract the bus driver while the bus in motion. All queries and requests are to be directed to the bus driver prior to travel or at the end of the journey.
  2. Commuters should conduct themselves in a respectable and responsible manner at all times ensuring that their behaviour does not endanger the comfort and safety of their fellow passengers or the bus driver.
  3. The bus driver should not make any unscheduled stops in the course of travel.
  4. All commuters must show a valid purchased ticket on demand by the driver /conductor or any other competent authority
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